Thursday, October 22, 2009

There Goes My Hero...

There is no such thing as an ordinary hero

I live my life surrounded by heroes. Living literally feet away from a military town in the time of war has impacted me more than I realized, especially knowing that one of the parents of the children that I keep is currently enlisted in the army leaving sooner than we all thought to serve his third tour in Iraq. The thought of knowing that people that I know and love will be in the line of duty has always been a scary thought but knowing that the father of the children I spend my days with is walking straight into uncertain and very dangerous grounds scares the shit out of me. My heartbreaks as I think about how the oldest child is at the age where she’s old enough to ask “Where’s Daddy?” My fear and heartache is only a small fraction of the agony that his wife is going through. Over the past year, this family has become my family and it is needless to say that my heart is a little heavy. It is a given that my thoughts and prays will be with my other Holm family but it is with great pride that I dedicate my devotion and compassion until my other family is back together. My heart goes out to my hero.

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  1. I wanted to scream when I heard the news. Wanted to scream at the universe that it wasn't fair and throw a 3yr old style tantrum. My heart goes out to that family.

  2. I know. Needless to say, Kym and I both had a drink after we found out... I still have a HUGE knot in my throat.

  3. I'm STILL drinking and it's the next day.
